Wednesday, August 12, 2015

"If you don't blame 'the system' anymore, then how come you still criticize and write a lot about 'the system'?" - Kiefer89

Blame entails judgement, and judgement implies authority. Authority is the power to influence and/or control. Authority says, "My viewpoint is right, therefore your viewpoint should be the same as mine; and if it's not, then you are wrong, evil, sub-human, etc..." So, I am not judging society when I criticize it. I no longer presume that my views are "right", or "wrong". They are simply my views, with no authority or judgement behind them.

I believe there is only one true authority, and that is The Truth. The Truth does not judge the way men who exercise false authority do. The Truth says only what is and what is not. It does not every say, or even imply (as men who claim their authority comes from the truth often claim) what is "right" or "wrong".

So, when I write about, or criticize, or praise anything, I do so as honestly as I can in honor of The Truth's authority to say what is, and what is not. I make no judgements, and I cast no blame. Though to be honest --- as I must to honor The Truth --- I am not perfect, or even special in this regard. I sometimes, maybe even oft-times, let judgement, and blame, slip from my mind. I am only human, and a finite being after all. And yet I earnestly strive to be something more, and to be free from all judgement, and blame; especially my own.

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