Friday, May 11, 2012

"How many interviews have you agreed and why?" - Chicago

I have never agreed to any mainstream media interviews, though I have been asked (by numerous news agencies, book authors, documentary producers and talk shows). They all promise to tell my side of the story, but I doubt that. First of all, I don't have a "side", I have only my experience (I try very hard to be as unbiased as possible about my own experiences). And secondly, the popular media has a very determined focus on a very narrow objective that has little to nothing to do with communicating a truth that nobody wants to hear. The purpose of this blog to document that truth as honestly as I can without projecting my own understanding (I feel strongly that people should try to find their own understanding). I leave the interpretation up to the reader, instead of trying to provide a ready made and easy to swallow interpretation for them, as defines the "popular" media.

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