I don't feel "down" very often. But, if you do I can usually trace the feeling to some recurring thought or pattern of thoughts. So, meditation seems to "solve" the problem, if you can call it a problem. Sometimes I just let myself feel own, and appreciate it on an existential level. By meditating I can either mitigate the thoughts and/or their "weight" (i.e. importance). Regardless, being on "death row" is not a source of negative or depressing thoughts for me. The lack of privileges is sometimes frustrating, but doesn't bring me "down", per se. I see it as simply another place for me to "be", not much different, in essence, than any other place. It is "where" I am in my head that really matters, and determines how I feel from one moment to the next. So that's where I choose to focus my attention most of the time.